Learn the details about bin2hex() function PHP instantly right from your google search results with the Codeamend
Learn the details about addslashes() function PHP instantly right from your google search results with the Codeamend
Learn the details about addslashes() function PHP instantly right from your google search results with the Codeamend
If you want to add some discount based on the cart total in Woocommerce.
If you want to add some discount based on the cart total in Woocommerce.
If you want to add some discount based on the cart total in Woocommerce.
Use the following steps to add product custom field for retail price. Step 1: Add Custom field input at product add / edit page <?php…
Learn the details about display total discount in WooCommerce Cart instantly right from your google search results with the Codeamend
PHP snippet to add a extra fee to the checkout for specific payment gateway. You can copied and pasted in your theme’s functions.php file and…
PHP snippet to add a extra fee to the checkout for every payment gateway. You can copied and pasted in your theme’s functions.php file and…